16-20 November (upcoming)
Invited plenary speaker at 2nd International Congress on Islamic Humanities, organized by Center for Cultural and Social Research, Iran.
Title of Plenary Talk: “An Islamic Approach to Humanities.”
Abstract: The methodology of science is suitable for material substances subject to laws, but not for humans with free will. “Social science” was born from the misconception that application of the scientific method to human beings and societies would lead to remarkable progress. However, this approach has failed in many different ways, documented below. Islam provides us with a radically different approach to the study of human beings and societies, predicated on human freedom to choose between good and evil. This approach is delineated below.
For related works, see my page on Social Sciences.
Invitation Letter:
Dear Dr. Asad Zaman,
International Islamic University
It is a great pleasure to invite you to address the second International Congress on Islamic Humanities as an invited plenary speaker. The Congress and its pre/post-meetings take place during November 16-20 2013. The congress is organized by center for cultural and social Research (CCSR) , Islamic Republic of Iran.
we contribute towards your round-trip travel ticket ( economy class) and reimbursement will be made on your arrival. we will also cover all your expenses for the duration of your stay in Iran.
Hossein M. Doostdar
International committee
The second International congress on Islamic Humanities ( ICIH2)
Tehran , Islamic Republic of Iran